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Bio fertilizers are living microorganisms that improve the health and quality of different types of soils that help the plants to obtain the necessary nutrients. The soil becomes more nutritious and helps the seeds and roots to grow with their full potential.


Benefits :

@ Azotobacter fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the level of 20-40 kgs per hectare and thereby helps to reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer usage.
@ Stimulate plant growth and increase crop yield.
@ It improves the plant health and soil health.
@ It also solubilizes insoluble phosphate into soluble form or plant.
@ It produces some antifungal substances and siderophores which inhibits the growth of some phytopathogens.
@ Provide protection against drought and some soil borne diseases.
Profuse primary and secondary root development.
@ Early germination and vigorous seedling growth.
@ Better branching and increased foliage.
@ Reduction in the fruit and flower drop.
@ Increased soil microbial activity and higher nutrient uptake.


Composition :

Specification : As per FCO

Base                  : Liquid

Viable Count (Cells/ml Min.) : CFU minimum 1 x 10 Cell/ml

Contamination level  : No Contamination at 10 dilution

pH                                     : 6.5 - 7.5

Efficiency character :
Azotobacter - The strain should be capable of fixing at least 10 mg of nitrogen per g of sucrose consumed.

Sebhar Emperor Bio Nitrogen Liquid

SKU: 364215375135191
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