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Bio fertilizers are living microorganisms that improve the health and quality of different types of soils that help the plants to obtain the necessary nutrients. The soil becomes more nutritious and helps the seeds and roots to grow with their full potential.


Benefits :

@ Azotobacter fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the level of 20-40 kgs per hectare and thereby helps to reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer usage.
@ PSB produces organic acids like malic, succinic, fumaric, citric, tartaric acid and acetic acid which fastens the P2O5 up take, maturity and increases yield. Reduce 25-50% phosphate fertilizer requirement.
@ KMB improves resistance of crop against disease and stress condition. It also secretes growth hormones to increase crop productivity and reduces 50-60% potash fertilizer requirement.
@ Stimulate plant growth and increase crop yield.
@ Provide protection against drought and some soil borne diseases, as they do not allow pathogens to flourish.
@ Profuse primary and secondary root development.
@ Better branching and increased foliage.
@ Reduction in the fruit and flower drop.


Composition :

Specification : As per FCO

Base                  : Liquid

Viable Count (Cells/ml Min.)  : CFU min. in a mixer of any 2 or more of following8 microorganisms Azotobacter 1 x 10 Cell/ml8 8 PSB 1 x 10 Cell/ml, KSB 1 x 10 Cell/ml

Total Viable Count (Cells/ml Min.) : 5 x 10 Cells/ml

Contamination level       : No Contamination at any dilution

pH                                          : 5.0 - 7.0

Efficiency character :

Azotobacter - The strain should be capable of fixing at least 10 mg of Nitrogen fixation / g of C-source.
PSB - Minimum 5mm zone of solubilization zone on PSB media having at least 3 mm thickness
KMB - Minimum 5mm zone of solubillization on KSB media having at least 3mm thickness.


Shake well before use
Storage Conditions :
Store in cool place, away from direct sunlight and heat.
Caution : Keep out of reach of children.

Sebhar Emperor Npk Liquid

SKU: 364215376135191
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