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Bio fertilizers are living microorganisms that improve the health and
quality of different types of soils that help the plants to obtain the
necessary nutrients. The soil becomes more nutritious and helps the
seeds and roots to grow with their full potential.


Benefits :
@ Enhance nutrients and water uptake of the plant.
@ Increase phosynthesis of the host plant.
@ Provides growth hormones called phytohormones.
@ Reduces overall fertilizer needs.
@ Increase crop yields.
@ Increases plants ability to weather stresses such as drought.
@ Increase root mass and root dept.

Advatange :
@ Enhance yield along with quality of produce.
@ Boost germination rate
@ Increase in shoot & Root length
@ Solubilizing various insuluble forms of Phosphates.
@ Promote healthy growth in early stage of crop
@ Increase dry matter Production substantially.


Composition :


Specification                   : As per FCO
Base                                    : Liquid7
Spore Count (per ml)  : Minimum 1 x 10 viable fungal spores/ml
Contamination level    : Nil for liquid inoculums
pH                                       : 3.5 - 5.5
Efficiency character    : The strain should have phosphate  solubilizing capacity in the range of 30%, when tested spectrometrically.

In terms of zone formation, minimum 10 mm solubilization zone in prescribed media havingleast 3 mm thickness.


Crop : Grapes & Banana, Citrus, Mango, Tomato, Pomegranate, Groundnut, Cotton, Soyabean, Coconut, Potato, Brinjal, Onion, Garlic, Cumin, Chillies, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Sugarcane, Paddy etc.

Sebhar Sardar Phosphate Solublizing Fungal Bio fertilizer Liquid

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