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Bio fertilizers are living microorganisms that improve the
health and quality of different types of soils that help the plants
to obtain the necessary nutrients. The soil becomes more
nutritious and helps the seeds and roots to grow with their full


Benefits :

@ Rhizobium is a soil bacteria for their capacity to form root
nodules on legume plant.
@ Plant root supply essential minerals and newly
@ synthesized substance to the bacteria.
@ Enhance plant growth through nitrogen fixation.
@ Rhizobium act as a natural fertilizer for the plants.
@ It exert direct or indirect beneficial effects on crop yield.
@ Enhance soil health and soil fertility.


Composition :

Specification : As per FCO

Base                  : Liquid

Viable Count (Cells/ml Min.) : CFU minimum 1 x 10 Cell/ml

Contamination level : No Contamination at 10 dilution

pH                                    : 6.5 - 7.5

Efficiency character :

Rhizobium - should show effective nodulation on all the species listed on the Bottal.


Shake well before use
Storage Conditions : Store in cool place, away from direct sunlight and heat.

Caution : Keep out of reach of children.


Crop : Green Pea, Lentil, Common bean, Soyabean, Chickpea, Pigeon Pea, Mung bean, Peanut, Clover, Fenugreek, Vigna mungo, Cowpea, Tamarind, etc.

Sebhar Sardar Rhizobium Bio fertilizer Liquid


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